Globelines: DSL Speed
81 Comments Published by raphael on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 1/22/2008 09:29:00 PM.
I just got my Internet connection last Saturday powered by Globelines. They informed me that they are having a problem with their internet service in Visayas and Mindanao Network and they‘re very sorry for the inconvenience.
It’s been a week since Globe Network dropped in their service. And up to now they are still trouble shooting it. This evening I did some DSL speed test and guess what? Very disappointing results appear in front of me. My current DOWNLOAD SPEED is 22 kbps which means that I can only download at 2.75 kb per second and my UPLOAD SPEED is 18 kbps which means that I can only upload at 2.25 kb per second. A very disappointing speed that globe has to offer. I can’t believe that I am slower than a DIAL UP users.
Globe is one of the prominent companies here in the Philippines and I heard a lot of negative reviews about their services and with that I am starting to believe on what I had read before. Hope that they will put more actions on their problem now because if this will continue until this coming Saturday I don’t think I deserve this and I will really ask for disconnection or rebate will do.